In the summer of 2023, The Knotted Project were the Artistic Directors of the Stage Directions Summer Performance Week. Inspired by the ideas of young people, we led a team of incredible artists and an army of creative young people to co-create ‘The Summer That Went Wrong”.
We took over the state of the art; New Adelphi Theatre at Salford University and had very creative week! The production was created by young people throughout the week and the performance was supported by technical support of lighting, projection and sound, also designed and operated by young people.
The Stage Directions Program offers a high quality arts experience, free of charge to young people and families in Salford. It is special work that the value greatly at The Knotted Project.
Some more info about Stage Directions
Stage Directions are proud to be a part of the Salford Cultural Education Partnership. Across 2019-2022, and beyond, Stage Directions was established and delivered theatre, co-creation and creative projects across Salford. Alongside partners, practitioners and professionals we:
- worked in 11 schools using co-creation and a breadth of theatre styles to build skills and performances
- ran activity in 3 key geographic areas of the city reaching key Salford communities
- delivered a large scale careers event for 300 Salford students
- delivered training in design, technical theatre and digital arts
- upskilled and developed new cohorts of practitioners
- supported teachers to approach their work with more creative tools and outlooks
- took hundreds of children to the theatre with many experiencing a show for the first time
- supported the completion of a PhD at University of Salford
- achieved hundreds of Arts Awards
- navigated the Covid-19 pandemic to develop and redirect resources for a remote phase to support schools
- developed a set of guiding principles for Co-Creation with Young People in Schools using theatre alongside the other 4 YPPF projects
They have looked to impact the landscape across the city alongside the LCEP by increasing the value placed on creative activity, cultural education and collaboration. Their evaluators: The Audience Agency have compiled reports annually and there will be a cumulative evaluation available on the Stage Directions website.
This phase of Stage Directions was funded via Youth Performance Partnerships Fund creative by Arts Council England and Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.
Stage Directions leaves behind a legacy in: the LCEP’S delivery of ‘Creative Directions’ a pilot of CPD training for Salford’s education practitioners, technical theatre and theatre making activity @ The Lowry, direct investment for school’s to continue to offer their students creative opportunities, dialogue and positive relationships between LCEP stakeholders, a template & support for careers event delivery and more positive partnerships for the city.